My State of Comfort

Calvin Lee
2 min readOct 3, 2023
Photo by Coen Staal on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop, being part of a monotonous rhythm of your daily grind?

I know I’m facing that right now and I’ve come to call it the ‘State of Comfort’.

The ‘State of Comfort’ , to me, is that point in your career where everything is going relatively well and you have settled into a routine. While it definitely isn’t a bad thing, it is not the most inspiring situation to be in either.

Now don’t get me wrong — Comfort is not a bad thing. It’s like a warm fuzzy blanket in a cold winter evening providing you with a sense of security and familiarity.

But as comfort increasingly extends into your professional life, it can lead to stagnation. You work on the same mundane tasks, engage in similar conversations with the same stakeholders day in day out. The initial excitement of working in your job starts to slowly fade away and it just feels like I’m coasting my time away rather than thriving.

And I’m not exactly unhappy in this state of comfort but I am not feeling exactly fulfilled either. Probably explains why I haven’t been writing much on Medium lately.

Life has just been revolving around work — There is nothing much to look forward or be excited about. And the danger of this state of comfort is that it gives off a false sense of security.

