Hi, I’m Calvin.

Calvin Lee
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


Hi there! I am Calvin and here’s my story.

I was born and raised in Singapore and have been living here ever since. I graduated from university 2 years ago and my first job was being a Product Manager in Alibaba. I changed my job a year ago and I am now currently a Product Manager with Crypto.com. I love playing computer games and I love playing sports in my free time as well.

I have always wanted to start something like this (a blog maybe?) so that I could pen down my thoughts and have a safe space to write about anything I want. But all along, I have never really set my mind into actually doing this (till now, haha) mainly for 2 reasons.

  1. Singapore is way too small and apparently, everyone knows everyone. On the other hand, I like to keep things private and I do not want to attract any attention or want anyone to know who I am. I’m sure some of you here gets me right?
  2. My command of English is mediocre at best. I have never been good in terms of writing (C in A levels, B4 in O levels) and I did not think my writing abilities will be able to appeal to any readers. I will most likely embarrass myself instead

What changed?

The world has gotten much crazier over the past 3 years. Who knew that COVID-19 would last for the past 3 years? Who could have expected Russia to really invade Ukraine in February and sparked the possibility of a World War 3?

Things can change in an instant and I think I realised that I should cherish my time more and put it towards something I really wanted to do. Besides, I have always heard this saying “Comfort is your worst enemy”. This phrase really struck me hard after working a desk job for the past 1+ years. I grew comfortable in my own life, where it revolves around the same cycle everyday:

Wake up → Gym → Work → Rest

At some point, I felt like my life had no purpose and that I was just going through the motions of “surviving”. I felt that I needed to try something different, at least a new hobby to break this meaningless cycle. And so, here I am.

I am definitely not the best writer around, but I do hope you will like the stories I write. This will essentially be my online diary but you are always welcome to drop me a private message to connect or if you would like me to write about any specific topic. Thanks and it was nice e-meeting you :)

